Dollar Tree Compound Words
Dollar Tree Compound Word activity is a great product. This kit contains three different sets of compound words. They come in the theme of apples on a tree, bees on a hive, and clouds on a hot air balloon. It was a great find for a dollar. I purchased this item several months ago. The only “con” to it was the words were stickers. Once the words were stuck to the base (tree, hive, or balloon) you could not reuse them.
Brainstorming Stage
I immediately starting thinking how could I make this into a great matching game for my students that could be reused again and again. It hit me! All I needed, some Dollar tree fastener dots (similar to velcro dots) and laminating sheets to turn this kit into three great matching games. I strengthen the word stickers by placing them on card stock paper before laminating them. I laminated the bases too. Then I applied the fastener dots to the words and base. This created three compound word games for my students.
Compound Word Matching Game Creation Supplies
I have implemented this activity several times into my lessons. This activity is a great activity to strengthen compound word skills. I already had laminating sheets and card stock paper. My only purchase was the word kit for 1.00 and two packs for fastener dots for a total of $3.00. I must say, this is an outstanding activity for such few dollars.
Other Resources
If you are looking for an activity to help strengthen knowledge of Author’s Purpose, check out my post or here at